Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

What Is PEMF Therapy?
PEMF Therapy is a way to recharge every cell in your body so your cells are better able to uptake nutrients, excrete waste, and function optimally. The number one sign that your cells need energy support is pain. Pain and fatigue are your body’s cry for help — it’s how your body gets your attention. Other signs include dis-ease, weakness, reduced function of any body part, and emotional imbalances.
Your body benefits from coming into direct contact with the earth’s magnetic field — it’s one of the reasons people love walking on the beach so much. The ocean’s salt water is an excellent conductor of energy that increases the transfer of energy from earth to body.
The earth’s electromagnetic field (EMF) is safe and beneficial. However, modern technology like mobile phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, computer screens, and high-tension wires produce an EMF at an extreme level that bombards every cell in your body with detrimental energy.
Each cell in your body is like a battery, capable of holding only so much energy. Think of your cells like a mobile phone — over time they lose their charge and need to be recharged to function. There are various reasons your cells may not be generating or maintaining enough charge: physical injury, toxicity, scar tissue, inflammation, and poor nutrition are just some things that suck the life out of your cellular batteries.

Since every cell in your body needs to hold a charge, every cell in your body can benefit from PEMF.
Ideal Wellness
When it comes to PEMF therapy, you want to make sure you're receiving care from a highly-trained practitioner using the most advanced devices. All members of our staff are certified in the application of PEMF and Joy has received additional training to obtain the highest level of PEMF training.
Learn About PEMF
Pulse Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Cellular Exercise is a therapy in which electromagnetic fields reach deep inside your body to exercise your cells. It causes your cells to expand and contract, similarly to when you work out at the gym. Just like your muscles, your cells need to be strong. Weak cells are characterized by low voltage. PEMF Cellular Exercise replenishes energy in low voltage cells. As your cells expand and contract, they are able to expel toxins and absorb nutrients. Your cells’ voltage increases and they grow stronger. High voltage cells are able to grow, heal, and reproduce successfully. Strong cells will create more strong cells!
What to Expect from PEMF
PEMF for Athletes
Many people are now discovering the amazing results they can achieve with PEMF
Dorothy feels her feet for the first time in two years! (First visit)
Dorothy wakes up happy despite her diagnosis of bipolar depression!
Dorothy doesn’t need her pain pills despite her fibromyalgia diagnosis! (5th visit)
Dorothy gave her pain meds back to her doctor!
Dorothy is driving and dating (her husband) again.
Maggie’s diabetic neuropathy solution.
Pete has ZERO pain from his TMJ.
Danica used PEMF to kick the “flu” and her anxiety.
Liza doesn’t feel old anymore!
Allow me to introduce you to “no pain Duane.”
Marlene Hit the Trifecta with PEMF.
Shelley’s muscle knots have vanished.
Melissa Can’t Believe the Improvements!
At 64, Steve’s broken back healed in half the time.
Shirley’s fractured foot healed in half the time.
Shirley never expected PEMF to help her lose weight.
Magdalena loved her first PEMF!
Brenda limped for years before PEMF.
Our Packages
PEMF Therapy Options
If this is your first PEMF therapy session, start with 3-hour Premium Pro Starter Pack. Package includes three 1-hour appointments and orientation. Based on your case and how you respond to the therapy, we will suggest the package or membership options that are best suited for your wellness goals.