What Is Myofascial Release Therapy?

Struggling with a stiff back that just won’t go away? You’re not alone. After age 35, many of us begin to feel the burdens of strained backs—whether from overexertion or the wear and tear of daily life. Myofascial Release Therapy at Ideal Wellness offers a lasting solution, far beyond what temporary pain relievers can provide.

Many people, especially sportspeople, visit a doctor’s clinic to get pain-relieving medications for their back pain. However, anti-inflammatory medications only provide temporary relief. The best option is to contact us at Ideal Wellness for relaxing and therapeutic Myofascial Release Therapy.

Myofascia and its functions:

Myofascia is connective tissue that connects, stabilizes, and holds the whole body together. It is tiny threads that weave muscles, nerves, skin, organs, bones, and blood vessels together. The fascia is stretchy and flexible and spreads all over the body like a continuous web.

The whole body is connected to it and if the fascia is injured, they become inflexible, rigid, and tight, causing pain. This is why individuals suffer from travel pain all over the body. However, our trained massage specialist uses a creative, hands-on technique to improve the flexibility of the fascia.

Why do you need Myofascial release therapy?
Postural abnormalities and an overactive lifestyle, as well as standing or sitting in one position for an extended period, can lead to discomfort in different parts of the body, especially the back. Stiffness and chronic pain can affect stability, body function, movement, flexibility, and performance. Indulging in warming-up exercises before a performance and doing stretching exercises to cool down the body after an exercise session can reduce the strain.

However, the pressure caused by repetitive strain due to different postures can be excruciating because of Myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial release therapy is also termed trigger point therapy because it involves manipulating and pressing painful trigger points throughout the body. These points are also called knots, adhesions, bumps, or nodules.

Any trauma or injury to the fascia can lead to pain, and only a Myofascial massage can relieve it. The natural tact is to recognize knots or trigger points in tissues and then smoothen them out with calculated pressure. The pain starts to fade away once the tension in these Myofascial tissues is released. The Ideal Wellness therapists are trained to focus on the Fascial tissues instead of just the muscles in this massage modality.

Reach out to Ideal Wellness to remove painful adhesions:

Reach out to the massage therapists at Ideal Wellness for Palm Beach Gardens massage therapy. Discuss in detail your daily activities, positions you hold most of the day, sports undertaken, sleep positions, and suspected reasons for chronic pain. The masseuse will use hard pressure to press the knots or adhesions formed in the fascia and muscles due to over- or underuse. Once these adhesions are released and smoothened out, the pain is reduced dramatically.

How can Myofascial release therapy help us?

Myofascial release therapy is beneficial in pain relief. Poor flexibility can restrict movements, and pressing strategic knots in the fascia can help improve mobility. This healing technique uses varying hand pressure to realign the fascia while lengthening and relaxing it so that the body starts rejuvenating and attaining a state of well-being. With constant and gentle pressing strokes, stiffness, pain, and tightness in the connective tissues are released.
Myofascial release therapy is very beneficial and helps in:

1. Reducing soreness in the muscles and tissues
2. Management of pain
3. Recovery of the injured tissue
4. Improving the range of motion and mobility
5. Improving flexibility
6. Reducing joint pain

Fascia can freely move and are very strong and stretchy. They provide structural support as they are spread in a web-like form throughout the body. The body’s flexibility is affected by trauma or postural positions because the fascia becomes stiff. If left untreated, there can be loss of motion or intolerable pain in the body, making the individual uncomfortable.

To eliminate fascial tissue tightness, book a session of Myofascial Massage at Ideal Wellness. We have the best team in the area and can help with inflammation, physical trauma, compressed nerves, scarring, and repetitive stress from injuries.

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